A set of representative scenarios that describe the important types of behaviour of the monitoring system.
Created: 2000-07-11 Joseph Kiniry
Revised: $Id: MONITORING_SCENARIOS.html 1954 2001-07-26 07:01:23Z kiniry $
Turn on/off monitoring.
Turn on/off system monitoring.
Turn on/off logging.
Turn on/off system logging.
Turn on/off debugging.
Turn on/off system debugging.
Tune monitoring, logging, and/or debugging.
Tune the monitoring system so that specific kinds of monitoring, logging, and debugging are enabled disabled.
Log a monitoring event.
Report and record particular monitoring event.
Send a logging message.
Report and record a logging message.
Make an assertion.
Make an assertion or claim that either causes a monitoring event or logging message to be recorded or halts some part of the system because of failure.
Generate statistics.
Request that an instance of the monitoring system report on the system component with which it is associated.
Define an event (statistic/message type/assertion type).
Define a particular event type and add it to the system as appropriate (at compile/design-time, not runtime).