List of classes that make up the Monitoring system.
Created: 2000-07-19 Joseph Kiniry
Revised: $Id: MONITORING_CLASS_DICTIONARY.html 1954 2001-07-26 07:01:23Z kiniry $
Class Cluster Description
ASSERTION EVENTS Represents a single type of important predicate that the system should validate. Assertion failures result in everything from messages or statistics being logged to system failure.
CHECKER PROCESSING Checks the state of the system for validity against particular assertions.
COLLECTOR PROCESSING Performs the collection of particular statistics during the operation of a program. Individual statistics can be registered for collection, and may be activated or deactivated. The collector can cache statistic collection in memory, and can also write statistics and logging information to a long-term storage device for subsequent analysis.
EVENT EVENTS Represents a single important event of any kind. The event includes a source, description, importance, and time, among other things.
LEVEL EVENTS Represents the importance level of a particular event.
LOG EVENTS Manages the storage and retrieval of events that are reported by various parts of the system framework and/or the application built on top of it.
LOGGER PROCESSING Performs the collection of particular statistics during the operation of a program. Individual statistics can be registered for collection, and may be activated or deactivated. The collector can cache statistic collection in memory, and can also write statistics and logging information to a long-term storage device for subsequent analysis.
MESSAGE EVENTS Represents a single textual message that needs to be displayed or recorded.
STATISTIC EVENTS This class represents a statistic that can be monitored in the monitoring system. Each statistic has its own unique ID (node-unique, not necessarily globally unique), a description, units, and other useful information that is represented in this class.
TUNER PROCESSING "Tune" the monitoring system to collect specific types and levels of system statistics, messages, and assertions.
TYPE EVENTS Represents the type of a particular event. The set of core event types each have such a name and a description.