ESCJ 7: ESC/Java Annotation Reference Manual

Last modified by rustan on 2 Sep 1997.

This is the ESC/Java annotations reference manual, an evolving document. The keywords shown are not necessarily the final ones. Some things are still to be written (TBW).

A specification expression is a side-effect free Java expression, possibly containing quantifications.

New adjectives for instance variables


An instance variable x in a class C can be declared with the adjective writable-deferred. This makes x writable-deferred in C. For every update of a designator o.f, where o is of static type C, ESC/Java checks that f is not writable-deferred in C. This check is done by a syntactic scan of the code being checked.


A field x can be declared with the adjective defined-if E, where E denotes some boolean specification expression in which all free variables are (at least) as accessible to every client as x is. For example, if x is declared as protected in a class C, then every free variable in E must either be protected or package and declared in a superclass of C, or be public. ESC/Java checks that condition E holds whenever x is read.


In a similar fashion, a field x can be declared with the adjective monitored-by m, where m denotes a nonempty list of specification expressions denoting objects. Each free variable in m must be as accessible as x. If x is an instance variable, this is allowed to occur in m.

A field x is allowed at most one monitored-by adjective. If there is one, ESC/Java will do a check for each read or write of x. For each read of x, ESC/Java checks that at least one of the the non-null locks in m is in the locking set of the current thread. For each write of x, ESC/Java checks that every lock in m is either null or is in the locking set of the current thread, and checks that at least one of the locks in m is non-null.


As a convenient shorthand, if f is an instance variable, the adjective monitored is short for monitored-by this.

New class members


A class C that extends a class B can declare writable-deferred x; if x is a variable declared in a proper supertype of C in such a way that C can read it (in other words, x is not declared private), provided that x is writable-deferred in B. The declaration makes x writable-deferred in C.


A class C that extends a class B can declare invariant J;, where J is a boolean specification expression. The annotation declares J as an object invariant of class C. The free variables in J must either be fields declared in C, or be fields that are declared in a proper supertype of C and that are writable-deferred in B. Fields of fields are not allowed to be mentioned. Also, all free variables in J must have the same protection level. ((Footnote: This restriction can be dropped if we change our methodological view of Java scoping/protection rules.))For example, they can all be private or all be protected. The protection level of the invariant is the same as that of the variables it mentions. For example, an object invariant that mentions protected fields is said to be protected. A class can have any number of object invariant declarations.

Let S denote a method body given in a class K and let J denote an object invariant of a class C accessible to class K. Then, ESC/Java will check that J holds for every C object at every method invocation within S, at every call to a constructor within S, and upon exit from S. ESC/Java will also assume that J holds for every C object upon entry to S, upon return from any method invocation within S, and upon return from any constructor call within S.

There is an exception to the rule described in the previous paragraph. If C is a subclass of K, S is the body of a constructor, and the dynamic type of this is a subtype of C, then "every C object" in the paragraph above should be replaced by "every C object other than this". However, if K is C, then ESC/Java will check that J holds for this upon exit from S.

New adjectives for methods

Method specifications

A method m declared in a class C can have the following adjectives, which together are referred to as the specification of m:
requires P
where P is a boolean specification expression that may mention as free variables any parameter to m and any variable that is accessible to all clients of m (here and throughout, parameter includes this unless m is static)
modifies w
where w is a list of designator expressions accessible within class C. A designator can be a static field, an expression o.f where o is a modifies select expression, a[i] where a is a modifies select expression denoting an array reference and i is a modifies select expression denoting an integer, and a[] where a is a modifies select expression denoting an array.

A modifies select expression has one of the following forms: o, g, g', e.f, e.f', a[i], or a[i]', where o is a parameter to m or the special keyword result, g is a static field, and e, a, and i are modifies select expression denoting an object with an f field, an array, and an integer, respectively.

The keyword result denotes the result value of m, if there is one. Primes indicate final values of fields and static values.

ensures Q
where Q is a boolean specification expression that may mention as free variables any parameter to m, the special variable result, and fields accessible to all clients of m. In addition, Q may mention g', e.f', and a[i]' like in the modifies clause.
raises (T t) Q
where T denotes a subclass of Throwable, t is a dummy variable that can be used in Q to denote the exception being raised by the method, and Q is as described in the previous paragraph, except that it may contain t instead of result. The order of raises annotations makes a difference in the same way that catch phrases do in the Java try statement.
The precondition of m is the conjunction of all such Ps and the postcondition of m is the conjunction of all such Qs.

In any subclass D of C, a new implementation of m is allowed to extend the specification of m with further modifies o.f clauses, where o is this and f is a field introduced in D.

The modifies list of m for a class T is the union of all ws occurring in modifies w clauses for m in any superclass of T, unioned with the expression e.f for any term e.f' occurring in the postcondition of m, unioned with the expression g for any term g' occurring in the postcondition of m, and unioned with a[i] for any expression a[i]' occurring in the postcondition. For example, if o.f'[i].h.k' occurs in the postcondition, the modifies list will contain o.f and o.f'[i].h.k.

TBW: quantified variables occurring in the postcondition must get some interpretation in the modifies list.

For an invocation of m on an object t of static type T, ESC/Java will first check that the precondition of m holds. Then, it will assign new values to any designator expression e occurring in the modifies list of m for class T where e is accessible to the caller, and will expand the set of allocated objects and arbitrarily assign an outcome of the method. Finally, it assumes the postcondition of m, which relates the new values of the modified variables with those the values of variables before the invocation. If the outcome of the method is exceptional, the exception is re-raised.

For an implementation S of m given in a class T, ESC/Java will first assume that the precondition of m holds. Then it will check that the postcondition holds upon exit from S. No modifies list checking is performed unless the user specifies the -modifiesChecking switch on the ESC/Java command line. In that case, ESC/Java checks that for any field o.f that S changes, either o.f is in the modifies list of m for class T, or o is not a parameter to m, or o was not allocated upon entry to S.

Locking order


New adjectives for local variables


A local variable x can be declared with the adjective defined-if E, where E denotes some boolean specification expression. ESC/Java checks that condition E holds whenever x is read.


A local variable x can be declared with the adjective uninitialized. This is useful if the Java compiler requires the programmer to give x an explicitly initial value and the programmer doesn't want to. ESC/Java will check that any read of x takes place after x has been assigned to after its initialization.

Specifying methods of an interface


Automatic checks

This section describes checks that ESC/Java performs that don't require special annotations.

Run-time checks

For every field dereference o.f in the body of a method being checked, ESC/Java will check that o is non-null, unless: Similar for all other run-time errors.

Use of this in constructors

ESC/Java also imposes a syntactic restriction on all constructor bodies: The only uses of this allowed within the constructor body are those of the form this.f for some field f. That is, the reference this is not allowed to be passed to any method or assigned to any field.

Candidate additions

The keywords writable-private, writable-package, writable-protected, and writable-public. To be placed at the declaration of a field.

Allowing extensions to method specifications to allow ensures clauses.

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