TODO List for KindFTP

  • Document lack of cleanup of temporary files due to getDataFile().
  • Rename all temporary variables named assert so as not to conflict with the new JDK 1.4 keyword.
  • Make all unit tests completely independent of local or remote file and directory structure; everything should be completely self-contained and orthogonal.
  • Look into eliminating CommandReader and use mark() and reset() instead.
  • Add configuration variables for various pre-contants (wait times, etc.), or at least make them real static final attributes.
  • Refactor FTPProxy.
  • Add statistics gathering for usage patterns, throughput, etc.
  • Write unit tests for RETR serialized object.
  • Design a higher-level interface to the proxy, a la ncftp's basic functionality.
  • Write system design overview for the system.
  • Write a BON design for the system.
  • Provide a JavaBean interface to the component.