December 2012

Joe Kiniry is on the Program Committee of GAS'13.

November 2012

Joe Kiniry is on the Program Committee of ICECCS 2013.

October 2012

Joe Kiniry was the keynote speaker at JTRES 2012. The title of his talk was "The Use of JML in Embedded Real-Time Systems".

Joe Kiniry is on the Program Committee of TOPI 2013.

June 2012

Joe Kiniry is on the Program Committee of ASE-Tools.

All BSc and MSc theses for 2012 and most for 2011 are now available via our reports page.

The Open Source Science Collaborative Development Environment (OSS-CDE) is now operational.

The new DemTech website and CDE is now operational.

Our various Trac and SVN servers have been moved from Ireland to Denmark. Please see the following sites for more information: Mobius CDE, UCD E-voting CDE, CSI CDE (archived), and SRG CDE (archived).

Our work on "Testing Library Specifications by Verifying Conformance Tests" was presented by Dan Zimmerman at TAP 2012.

March 2012

A paper "Testing Library Specifications by Verifying Conformance Tests" by Joe, Dan, and Ralph Hyland has been accepted to TAP 2012.